Friday, April 20, 2012

it's better than yours

sometimes when i laugh really hard i start to cough.
+ sometimes when i cough i choke.
+ sometimes when i choke i will, apparently, throw up my frozen yogurt all down my front in front of the gods + everyone.

my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
like whoa. 


i never promised you anything

this is your reward:

eat your oranges.
the world owes you nothing.
but it gave you some goddamn good oranges.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


right now i am supposed to be learning about the vast mysteries of the universe.
intrinsic brightness. spiral arms. terrestrial planets. 
or the secrets hidden in the dips + curves of the earth.
seismic. volcanic. glacial. 

instead, i am here.

i lie on my back + find shapes in the ceiling.
i feel the beat of my breathing
[too shallow, i need to quit smoking]
i listen to this song on repeat.
i imagine the sky the way it seemed when we used to drive out the back.roads
i hear my body rustle amid covers, ear pressed to pillow, everything amplified.

these things are comforting, for now.
tomorrow will bring heavy sighs.

sometimes i become saturated + have no more room
-------->i need to revel in some soft thing + make up stories, or remember stories
[until morning]

tonight your ghost will ask my ghost: where is the love?
tonight your ghost will ask my ghost: who put these bodies between us?
