Friday, March 9, 2012

moth boobs.

tonight i am a butterfly.
or a moth.
either way i am winged.
well, my legs are being wings in any case + i might take off at any moment!

perhaps i will fly to a new time or space!
it will be glorious.

sometimes i fly to a new place via mad men.
but i return quickly because they aren't as nice to girls.
especially girls w/ legs that fly.

+ a moth flew into my sister's boobs. 
i guess they saw the light.


(written early 2011)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

your adventure is showing...

today i was extra brave.
on the rocks.
like good scotch or bourbon or one of those other things my parents drink.
i didn't even have to wear an adventure cap, like this cat.
[although it would have been decidedly 100x more rad]
i mean, obviously the cat doesn't NEED the adventure cap
--------->look at its face!
it is full of special courage that most people only get from alcohol!
but this cat + i. 
oh this cat + I, yes, we don't NEED the adventure caps, but DAMN they are sexy + we look GOOD in them.
yes. we. do.
just take my word for it. 
or just look at that picture.
it says it all.
it great flowing prose.

but i was brave.
you know, brave for me + all.
maybe not in your terms.
but in my world, i did something SCARY + BIG + WONDERFUL + RISKY.
aka: i have finally chosen to start living my life instead of waiting for it to happen
[that was getting really boring + kind of terrifying + i may have been going a little mad]
so off i go on a great + terrible adventure w/ adventure caps + probably cats + most likely at least one dog + a fish + some people as well.
[if i'm really lucky it will also entail a roof over my head + warm blankets]

i am so excited + nervous + full of flutterings!
i've got all my fingers crossed + my eyes scrunched + am wishing on all the stars in the sky.
but mostly i am just going to wake up tomorrow + keep DOING the things that will get me where i want to go.
